swill|swilled|swilling|swills in English



rinse by flooding with liquid, drench; drink by taking large gulps; move liquid around; feed pigs liquid slop

Use "swill|swilled|swilling|swills" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swill|swilled|swilling|swills" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swill|swilled|swilling|swills", or refer to the context using the word "swill|swilled|swilling|swills" in the English Dictionary.

1. He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic.

2. Where did you get this monkey swill?

3. He swilled his brandy gently round his glass.

4. Beer swilled around the bottom of the barrel.

5. Fire crews swilled away a large fuel spillage.

6. She swilled the whisky around in her glass.

7. Give the pail a good swill ( out ) .

8. You feed them swill and such stuff?

9. Swill the car with clear water.

10. What the fug is that swill?

11. He does nothing but swill beer all day.

12. The Channel swill chopped and slapped all around.

13. Two drunken ships passing in a harbor swill hole.

14. Get a bucket to swill the yard down.

15. This swill is awful. Please give me some beer.

16. I wouldn't know though, I swill have much to learn.

17. Do you know, the cobblestones couldn't be seen for the blood which swilled like water?

18. Give the sink a quick swill to get it clean.

19. Synonyms for Chugalugging include gulping down, swallowing, gobbling, downing, swilling, wolfing, chugging, stuffing, devouring and swigging

20. Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.

21. Leslie swill attend to students'intonation, coordination and accent of speaking attentively.

22. She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.

23. It was an enormous bottomless trough in which the hogs could swill and wallow.

24. The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.

25. Synonyms for Bibbing include drinking, boozing, guzzling, tippling, soaking, lushing up, liquoring up, swilling, swallowing and swigging